Sentimental Piggy Romance

Category: , By Michy

Hello- 天気がいいからお昼寝して タンポポにご挨拶
How long- 時計を気にせずながめていた草原で カレをみつけた
Hey Ho!(Ho!)恥ずかしがり屋なアタシは ただ遠くから見てるだけ
Say Ho!(Ho!)心の中で叫んでるたけじゃ 振り返っちゃくれないわ


この恋はきっと叶わない 近付くことさえできない
まんまるに太っているアタシは カレに食べられちゃうから

I know... プライド高そうな自慢の髭 ジャングルに響く声
Why not... どうしてアタシ達 出逢ってしまったの?


この恋はずっと終わらない 叶わぬ恋でもかまわない

Waaaaaaaaa@:ア>°♂a%。$?♀⇒ッ!? ! !! カレがアタシに 気付いた
こっちに走ってくる … でもダメ!ダメ!ダメ! やっぱりダメだよ!!
my love is 「Pigs might fly」早く逃げなきゃ 

(「Pigs might fly!」)


Hello- Taking a nap, because the weather is nice. A greeting to the dandelion.
How long- I was gazing through the meadow without minding the clock, when I saw him.
Hey Ho! (Ho!) For a shy girl like me, all I can do is look from a distance.
Say Ho! (Ho!) If I only scream in my heart, he won’t turn around.
Looking from behind, as he walks as he shakes his mane,
Even now, this heart of mine is about to burst.


This love will probably not come true. I can’t even get close to him.
Because being the fat girl that I am, he will eat me.

I know… He looks so proud with his mane, and his roar that is heard throughout the jungle.
Why not… Why did the two of us, ever meet?
Even when we are this different.
Everyone around me is against it, telling me ‘you shouldn’t.’
But, in my eyes, I can’t see anything else anymore.


This love will never end. I don’t care if it’s a love that will never come true.
If he’s alright with the fat girl that I am,
I don’t mind if I get eaten.

Aaaaaaaaah@:ア>°♂a%。$?♀⇒ッ!? ! !! He has noticed me.
He is running this way…but no! No! No! I actually can’t do this.
my love is “Pigs might fly” I have to run away fast.
Because he will eat me.

(“Pigs might fly!”)

thanks to: troxy

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